Lectorium is an open scientific disciplinary repository. It stores and makes accessible to the public the works of Polish scholars in the area of history and its related sciences. The material in Lectorium is presented in six main sections:
- history,
- archaeology,
- art history,
- information and book studies,
- ethnology and cultural anthropology,
- musicology.
Lectorium follows in the footsteps of the best repositories in the area of ‘hard’ sciences. Its objective is to promote the work of Polish scholars in the humanities, and to boost the efficiency of scientific communication, by offering easier and faster access to the newest research results. Full-text accessibility facilitates and fosters the creation of new works, improves the efficiency of research queries, and showcases the newest research topics across a variety of organizations. Lectorium is poised to become the fastest and most convenient form of communicating research results and offering a critical analysis and verification thereof. In order to further promote these opportunities, Lectorium allows for the publication of both pre-prints and post-prints, thus making it possible to avoid the delay of waiting (often for years) for publication.
What types of resources can be published in Lectorium?
Lectorium stores and presents the following types of resources:
- articles published in scientific journals and popular science magazines;
- pre-prints and post-prints of scientific papers;
- papers and dissertations created for the purpose of obtaining an academic degree or title;
- monographs, collective works, chapters of scientific books;
- conference materials (including presentations) and working papers;
- legacy papers of outstanding scholars (drafts, notes, unfinished works, summaries, queries, etc.);
- reports and partial monographs created as a result of work funded by grants, or under specific projects;
- databases in formats that can be opened on a user’s computer;
- visual material (e.g. photographic documentation of archaeological sites);
- multimedia (video documentations, recorded lectures, etc.).
Lectorium accepts all the most popular text, graphic and multimedia file formats.
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